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Thematic Classification Of Onomastic Terms

Nuritdinova Rano Sevdiyevna , Phd) Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


In linguistics, there are different ways of classifying the lexical richness of a particular language. In particular, classifications such as thematic groups of words, lexical-semantic groups of words, stylistic layers of lexicon, historical-etymological layers of words are widely used. However, in linguistics, it has become a tradition to first divide the nouns in the language into two major groups: common nouns and proper nouns. This classification is limited in size as it refers only to the noun family. In fact, all words (adjectives, rhymes, numbers, verbs, adverbs, adverbs) that do not fall into the category of nouns in the language can be placed as opposites. However, if we approach the issue from this point of view, the lexicon of the language can be divided into two large groups: a group of common (ordinary) nouns and a group of proper nouns. In onomastics, there is also the term appellate, appellate lexicon. The term does not refer to all common words in a language, but to words that are the basis or division of a noun. This means that the appellate lexicon is a branch of cognate words in the language that has the property of transitioning to the function of a pronoun.


Linguistics, , lexical-semantic groups of words


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Nuritdinova Rano Sevdiyevna. (2020). Thematic Classification Of Onomastic Terms. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(11), 193–200.