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Internal Migration Processes And Population Crafts In The Emirate Of Bukhara

Khalikov Zokir Eshboltayevich , A candidate of historical sciences of Termez State University, Uzbekistan
Sharifiy Gavharshodbegim , Scientific researcher of Termez State University, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan


This article analyzes the scientific data on the role of migrants in the central cities of the Bukhara Emirate in the late XIX and early XX centuries in their crafts and production.


Emirate of Bukhara, Karakol


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Khalikov Zokir Eshboltayevich, & Sharifiy Gavharshodbegim. (2020). Internal Migration Processes And Population Crafts In The Emirate Of Bukhara. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(11), 142–147.