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Abdullaeva Dilfuza , Teacher of the Department of State Law, Specialized Branch of Tashkent State University of Law, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The article discusses regime of working hours and analyzed the regime of working
time in Uzbekistan and in some foreign countries. The legal regulation of the regime of
working hours, some types of working hours are considered, which are currently relevant
and require special attention in order to properly the choice of working hours, which entails
efficiency, competitiveness, economic viability and competitiveness enterprises. It is also
proposed to make appropriate changes, additions to the norms labor laws to resolve
disagreements between parties to labor relations.


regime of working hours, working hours


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Abdullaeva Dilfuza. (2020). WORKING TIME REGIME: NATIONAL AND FOREIGN EXPERIENCE. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(06), 51–57.