Aesthetic Significance Of Holidays
Shadimetova Gulchehra Mamurovna , Teacher Of The Department "Ethics And Aesthetics" Faculty Of Social Sciences National University Of Uzbekistan Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
Holidays have the power to reflect the nation's views, imagination, vision and national values about
the scientist and man through artistic images. In addition, holidays form and strengthen feelings
such as national pride and national pride, which are composed of such principles as nationhood,
popularity, heroism, beauty, grandeur, as well as aesthetic pleasure, aesthetic interest, aesthetic
taste and formation of aesthetic ideals – forming a composition of aesthetic perception that
distinguishes people from other life events.
In this article, the stages of development of holidays and their artistic and aesthetic features will be
studied and studied on a scientific and theoretical basis. Also, the philosophical-aesthetic analysis of
the concept of the holiday, the history of its development and scientific-methodological aspects are
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