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Khaldun Taner – Great Representative Of Turkish Dramaturgy

Mehriniso Mirahmatovna Kayumova , Lecturer, Department Of “Translation Studies And International Journalism”, Tashkent State University Of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan


Khaldun Taner, one of the most famous figures of Turkish literature of the 20th century, is one of the
brightest figures in the world that has made a great contribution to the development of Turkish
Haldun Taner is regarded as a good writer and playwright in Turkish literature, with a beautiful
language, new and rare illustrated themes, and good form of construction and refinement in his
writings. In his dramas, Khaldun Taner strives to illuminate the Turkish man in every way, expressing
his deep love for man and humanity. It represents the tragedy of society, nature, and the human
The rapidly changing and person-forming characteristics are old people, women, deceived men,
small people, and representatives of different professions ... typical of the works.
He also paid great attention to social change in the works of Khaldun Taner. It reflects the state of
Turkish society that has changed in parallel with creative social, political and economic laws. The
author gives an overview of the various negative consequences of this change in Turkish society. It
seeks to answer the question of how such a shift in Western culture and art has taken place, and
ironically criticizes the flaws in its transformation.


Turkish literature, genre


Ayşegül Yüksel “Haldun Taner Tıyatrosu”,

İstanbul, Bilgi Yayınevi,1986, s.27

Halil Adıyaman, Haldun Taner Hayatı,

Sanatı ve Eserleri, Doktora Tezi, Ankara,

, s. 40-47.

Ayşegül Yüksel. Haldun Taner Tıyatrosu,

İstanbul, Bilgi Yayınevi,1986

Mustafa Karabulut. Edebiyatın Sosyolojik

İmkanı Açısından Keşanlı Ali Destanı’nın

İncelenmesi, Adıyaman Üniversitesi

Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2012,

Ocak, Sayı 8.

Khaldun Taner. Favorites. Novels and

journalism. Per. from tur.L.N. Starostov

.M., Main edition of oriental literature of

the publishing house "Nauka", 1984, 21-p

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Mehriniso Mirahmatovna Kayumova. (2020). Khaldun Taner – Great Representative Of Turkish Dramaturgy. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 631–636.