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Expressions Used In O. Hashimov’s Story “Love”

Sulur Rakhimova , Senior Lecturer, Academic Lyceum Of Urgench Branch Of Tuit Named After Muhammad AlKhwarizmi, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the phrases used in O.Hoshimov’s story “Love”. The study of phraseological
units in Uzbek linguistics is connected with the name of the doctor of philological sciences,
professor, linguist Sh.Rakhmatullayev. A scholar describes phraseological units as follows: A phrase
consisting of more than one lexical base is called a phrase (phraseological unit). As the meaning of a
phrase develops the amount of phraseological meaning changes.


Lexicology, monosomy


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dictionary of the Uzbek language.

Tashkent. – pp. 50, 51, 45, 134.

Mengliyev B., Khudoyberdiyeva M.,

Boymatova O. Annotated Dictionary of

Uzbek Phrases. Tashkent: New

Century Generation, 2007. –pp. 9-20.

Hoshimov O’. Uzbeks. Tashkent:

G.Gulam, 2009. – pp. 20-26

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Sulur Rakhimova. (2020). Expressions Used In O. Hashimov’s Story “Love”. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 618–620.