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Psychodiagnostics Of The Study Of Teenager’s Tendence To Deviation (Functional Approach)

Rajabova Feruza , Teacher Of The Department Of Psychology, Karshi State University, Uzbekistan


It is known that the development of society depends on such factors as the social mood of the next
generation, life strategy, the ability of coordinating behavior. This article analyzes the phenomenon of
deviant behavior among minors in Uzbekistan from a psychological point of view, and shows the
ongoing reforms in the country in this regard. Psychoticism, neuroticism, and depression, which are
behavioral disorders in juveniles, have also been studied as a consequence of their inability to find their
role in the society.


Deviant behavior, depression


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PMID 19220724

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Rajabova Feruza. (2020). Psychodiagnostics Of The Study Of Teenager’s Tendence To Deviation (Functional Approach). The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 531–536.