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Development Of Creativity Skills In Writing, As An Important Tool For Expressing Thoughts (With The Examples From Korean Material)

Tatyana Sergeevna Kim , Associate Professor, Phd, Department Of “Korean Philology” At Tashkent State University Of Oriental Studies, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Information technology is developing day by day, but at the same time, learning activities directly
related to individual values and ethical issues are practically excluded from the curriculum. Writing
ethics should not be seen only as part of the educational content presented in the curriculum, but
should be practiced more extensively, viewed as an integral part of complex thinking, social and
personal ethics.
When teaching writing in Korean, the emphasis is on the fact that the written text has special
differences, its own special grammatical constructions, endings and vocabulary.
Korean scholars have conducted a study, the results of which showed that the development of skills
in working with the written test has a significant impact on student performance. The authors argue
that by developing certain "guiding questions", students' writing skills can be significantly improved.


Writing style, , writing ethics,


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Tatyana Sergeevna Kim. (2020). Development Of Creativity Skills In Writing, As An Important Tool For Expressing Thoughts (With The Examples From Korean Material). The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 467–473.