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The Order Of Formation Of Property Rights To Housing On The Basis Of Contracts

Muxayyo Ashurova , Independent Researcher At Tashkent State University Of Law, Uzbekistan


These contracts are the most common and widely used yield methods of derivation of property
rights in relation to housing. Contracts for the creation of property rights to housing include
contracts for the transfer of property under the Civil Code. In civil law, such agreements include
contracts of sale, exchange, gift, rent, transfer of housing to another person on the condition of
lifetime maintenance. However, the purchase and sale of housing plays an important role in the
formation of property rights to housing. Therefore, the main focus in concluding and formalizing a
contract for the sale of housing is to ensure the freedom of the parties to enter into a contract. It is
important to provide in the legislation that the contract of sale of housing comes into force from the
moment of signing by the parties. In addition, the main factor in the protection of the rights of the
seller is to determine the current, agreed price of the parties for the sale of housing in the contract.
Preventing the simultaneous sale of a house to more than one person, improving the legislation to
ensure the rights of the conscientious owner who bought the house, the introduction of the practice
of publishing an electronic list of housing sales transactions are relevant today. A special place is
given to the fact that non-compliance with the form of the contract of sale of housing is considered a
dispute agreement and the introduction of the practice of setting special statute of limitations for
the application of its consequences.


Housing, property rights


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How to Cite

Muxayyo Ashurova. (2020). The Order Of Formation Of Property Rights To Housing On The Basis Of Contracts. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 449–454.