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Use Of Occasional Words In English And Uzbek Languages In Artistic Works

Turdiyeva Shohista Bahriddin kizi , Researcher, department of linguistics Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The aim of the work is to find out examples Uzbek and English occasional words and their features.
Ways of formation and functions of occasionalisms in works of fiction and publicity literature. Make
analysis in English and Uzbek works. The research work is based on to study up the occasional words
in the artistic works and to make their linguistic analysis. The significance of the research work
consists in a detailed study of the relationship of linguistic differentiation of occasional words with
the causes of their occurrence in the English and Uzbek artistic works.


Occasionalism, occasionality, neoplasm


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Turdiyeva Shohista Bahriddin kizi. (2020). Use Of Occasional Words In English And Uzbek Languages In Artistic Works. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 373–380.