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Defining The Concepts “Legal Language” And “Legal Term”

Sabirova Ezoza Shuhrat Kizi , Lecturer Of Specialized Branch Of Tashkent State University Of Law, Uzbekistan


The concept “Legal language” refers to the language related to law and legal process. And the
concept “Legal term” is defined as a verbal designation of concepts used in describing the content
of the law, normative legal acts; and the specific words which are often used in the legislation. The
main source of legal terms is used in the most important legislative acts of legal language. In this
article the concepts of “term”, “legal term” and “legal language” are defined and the formation and
the classification of legal terminology are discussed as well.


Term,, legal


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Sabirova Ezoza Shuhrat Kizi. (2020). Defining The Concepts “Legal Language” And “Legal Term”. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 361–364.