Teaching English As A Second Foreign Language
Nargiza Satullaeva , English Language Teacher At English Language And Literature Department, Karakalpak State University Named After Berdakh, Nukus, Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan. Gulperi Kurbanbaeva , Student At English Language And Literature Department, Karakalpak State University Named After Berdakh, Nukus, Karakalpakstan, Uzbekistan.Abstract
The paper deals with the practical issues of multilingual approach to teaching foreign languages. The
author investigates of some questions concerning the process of teaching English as the second
foreign language based on the first language – the German language. The process under study is
rather complicated. It requires taking into consideration the linguistic experience of students. In
addition, this process should be based on the results of the comparative-contrastive analysis of the
contacting languages: English, German and Russian (the Mother Tongue of the students). This
phenomenon may be called an educational forming multilinguism of which interference and
transference are characteristic features. In order to overcome the latter and to improve the
educational process, comparative study of language phenomena is necessary. Having found out
similar and dissimilar features in both languages the teacher will be able to optimize the learning
process of the second language
Multilingualism, comparative-contrastive analysis
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