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Policy Of The Russian Empire In Responsible Population In Turkestan: Causes And Consequences

Dzhuraev Husniddin Pazliddinovich , Lecturer At The Department Of History Of Uzbekistan, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan


This article explores the employment and economic issues of Russian populations and villages in
Turkestan as a result of the Russian government's resettlement policy, based on «Turkestan
Collection» and periodicals.


Resettlement Russian settlement,, settlement,


. Jabborov M., R. Arslonzoda, Sh. Gafforov.

Russia’s policy on resettlement of the

population to Turkestan (on the example

of the Fergana Valley) // FDU. Science

news. - Fergana, 2000. - No. 1-4; Turkestan

warehouse. - Р. 249. // Statistical review

of the Fergana region for 1913 - Skobelev.


Free migration business, Turkestan

courier. -1909, No. 108. // TS. -Р. 508.

Statistical review of the Ferhana region

for 1913 - Skobelev. -1916. –Р. 25

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How to Cite

Dzhuraev Husniddin Pazliddinovich. (2020). Policy Of The Russian Empire In Responsible Population In Turkestan: Causes And Consequences. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 305–307.