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Ecological Education For The Purposes Sustainable Development

Olimjon Isomiddinovich Abduganiev , Associate Professor, Department Of Geography, Fergana State University, Uzbekistan
Gayratjon Zokirovich Abdurakhmanov , Senior Lecturer, Department Of Social Sciences, Fergana Polytechnic Institute, Uzbekistan


The article discusses the role of youth education in achieving sustainable development goals. One of
the conditions for achieving harmony with nature is ecological literacy of the population. Ecological
education should be carried out throughout a person's life. Therefore, the legal framework for the
development of ecological education was noted, and recommendations were developed for the
formation of environmental awareness in the framework of the educational process for each
educational institution.


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Olimjon Isomiddinovich Abduganiev, & Gayratjon Zokirovich Abdurakhmanov. (2020). Ecological Education For The Purposes Sustainable Development. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 280–284.