Formation Of The Content Of Educational-Methodical Complexes In The System Of Professional Development
Jumanazarov Sirojiddin Salaydinovich , Phd, Tashkent City Regional Center Of Training And Retraining The Personnel Of Public Education, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
In this article we discussed, one of the main problems in the system of professional development is
considered the formation of the content of educational and methodological complexes in the
direction of innovative pedagogical activity of students
Listener, , innovation,
Jumanazarov S.S. Innovations and modern
pedagogical technologies in the education
system : materials of the X international
scientific conferenceence on February 20-
, 2020. – Prague: Vědecko vydavatelské
centrum "Sociosféra-CZ", 2020. – 194p. -
ISBN 978-80-7526-451-0.
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Махkamov A.A., Jumanazarov S.S.,
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Tashkent, 2020
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