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Some Features Syrian Foreign Policy On The Middle East

Nodir Abdullaev , Phd In Political Sciences, Tashkent State University Of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan


These days, the Middle East remains one of the most explosive regions in the world. Today, Syria has
become a kind of core of the global political crisis. This article inspects the political prerequisites for
the emergence and development of the regional problem, reveals its features, and analyzes the
external factors that have had and are still having an impact on the evolution of the Middle East
problem. The article studies the preconditions for the growth of conflict potential and exacerbation
of the struggle for influence in the Middle East. The role of Syria in the competition between the
leading Arab countries and Iran for regional leadership is considered and conclusions are drawn about
the goals pursued by them in the Middle East. The article examines the formation of Syria's foreign
policy, analyzes the influence of the Palestinian factor on its regional policy, and reveals the position
of Syria on the Lebanese problem. A number of factors influencing the evolution of Syria's foreign
policy in the new geopolitical situation in the region are analyzed.


Middle East, Syria, Syrian crisis


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Nodir Abdullaev. (2020). Some Features Syrian Foreign Policy On The Middle East. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 199–204.