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Lectures For Humanitarian Faculty Students And Its Effective Conduct

Shohida Olimjonovna Boltaeva , Lecturer, Department Of Algebra And Geometry, Termez State University, Uzbekistan
Yulduz Bakhriddinovna Bakhriddinova , Lecturer, Department Of Algebra And Geometry, Termez State University, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the role of teachers in the organization and conduct of meaningful lectures on
mathematics for students of the humanities, the state of motivation of students of the humanities,
especially the motivation to study mathematics, and the effectiveness of the educational process.


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Shohida Olimjonovna Boltaeva, & Yulduz Bakhriddinovna Bakhriddinova. (2020). Lectures For Humanitarian Faculty Students And Its Effective Conduct. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 174–179.