Possibilities For Using E-Sources Of Educational Methodology In Online Education During Quarantine
Khilola Batirovna Nikadambaeva , Candidate Of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head Of The Department Of “Research, Innovation And Training Of Scientific Stuffs”, Uzbekistan University Of Journalism And Mass Communications, UzbekistanAbstract
”The article focuses on the fact that COVID-19, one of the global problems in the world, is spreading at
an unimaginable rate, and the pandemic is entering the political, economic and social spheres with its
scale and damage. In particular, the impact of the pandemic on higher and secondary special
education was particularly significant, and quarantine provided an opportunity for independent,
creative research for students to acquire the necessary knowledge, skills and competencies that
were difficult to predict. As the third millennium is a period of intellectual development of mankind,
today's youth must be in line with the requirements of the time, independent thinking and the
principle of universal education. Indeed, journalism is a universal field, and the owner of this
profession should be aware of all areas. From this point of view, the article uses the e-learning tool
“Natural Geography of Uzbekistan” in the field of online education during the quarantine period, the
peculiarities of the content of teaching, to allow students to form a concept and image as a person
who can think freely, independently, scientifically based. Issues such as the need for the XXI century -
the digital age were considered.
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Computer program of electronic
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natural geography of Uzbekistan.
Certificate of the State Patent Office of
the Republic of Uzbekistan № DGU02171.
– Tashkent
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