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Recommendations For The Study Of Alisher Navai’s Work “Nazmul Javohir” At The Levels Of Literary Education

Hoshimjon Hakimovich Ahmedov , Candidate Of Philological Sciences (Phd), Senior Lecturer, Department Of Methods Of Teaching Uzbek Literature, Tashkent State University Of Uzbek Language And Literature Journal Website: Named After Alisher Navai, Uzbekistan


The article provides guidelines for the study of the work “Nazmul-javohir” by Alisher Navai, a
representative of the Uzbek classical literature in the system of literary education. The role of this
work in Navai's work and his literary concept is also discussed.


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Hoshimjon Hakimovich Ahmedov. (2020). Recommendations For The Study Of Alisher Navai’s Work “Nazmul Javohir” At The Levels Of Literary Education. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 151–153.