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Medieval Scientists Of The Oasis Shash And Their Contribution To Islamic Civilization

Nematullo Mukhamedov , Doctor Of Historical Sciences, Department History And Source Studies Of Islam – IRCICA, International Islamic Academy Of Uzbekistan


In medieval sources Tashkent is called as “Shash”. From here originated a large number of scholars,
whose activities were closely related with such Islamic sciences as Fiqh, Hadith, and etc. Scholars
who were born and have contributed to Islamic teachings with their scientific activities ascribed a
title (nisba) of “Shashi” and later on (from ХIV century) “Tashkandi”. It is the Title, with which
became famous such kinds of scholars as Haytham ibn Qulayb Shashi, Kaffal Shashi, Abu Bakr
Muhammad ibn Ahmad Shashi, Zangiata, Sheikh Umar Bagistani, Sheikh Khawand Tahur, Khoja Ahrar
throughout the Muslim world.


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Nematullo Mukhamedov. (2020). Medieval Scientists Of The Oasis Shash And Their Contribution To Islamic Civilization. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 137–143.