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The Effect Of The Introduction Of Foreign Languages Into The Specialty

Nafisakhon Minovarovna Kazimova , Teacher Of Chemistry, Associate Professor, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute Named After Mukimi, Uzbekistan
Shakhzodakhon Madaminjon Qizi Kodirova (Mukhtorova) , Master Of Chemistry Teaching Methods Kokand State Pedagogical Institute Named After Mukimi, Uzbekistan


This article is devoted to the effect of the introduction of foreign languages in the specialty, the
study of namingsome terms in English in the process of studying the specialty sciences.The article
provides scientific information on chemistry,analytical chemistry in English.The conclusion is given at
the end of the article.


Chemistry,, branches of chemistry


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Nafisakhon Minovarovna Kazimova, & Shakhzodakhon Madaminjon Qizi Kodirova (Mukhtorova). (2020). The Effect Of The Introduction Of Foreign Languages Into The Specialty. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 129–132.