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Use Of Innovative Methods In Teaching HIV / AIDS In Valeology

Dilfuzakhon Adkhamovna Ibragimova , Senior Lecturer, Department Of Biology Teaching Methods, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Ranokhon Nabijanovna Muminova , Associate Professor, Department Of Biology Teaching Methods, Kokand State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


This article provides information on HIV / AIDS, ways of transmitting the virus, among the population,
youth, schoolchildren, college students, institutes, improving medical culture and maintaining your
health. When HIV viruses enter the human body, they infect T-helper lymphocytes. As they spread,
they destroy lymphocytes, which actually paralyzes the functioning of the immune system. Also,
conducting classes on the topic of HIV / AIDS, introducing new educational technologies and
conducting innovative methods.


AIDS, , drug addict


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Dilfuzakhon Adkhamovna Ibragimova, & Ranokhon Nabijanovna Muminova. (2020). Use Of Innovative Methods In Teaching HIV / AIDS In Valeology. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 124–128.