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The Education Innovations In The Development Of The Young Learners’ English-Speaking Skills In Uzbekistan

Mukaddaskhon Ogay , Head Of The Multimedia Department, Innovation Centre, Uzbek State University Of World Languages, Uzbekistan


This article examines and compares the requirements for the development of English-speaking skills
of the young learners in Uzbekistan, Russia, Kazakhstan and Turkey. According to the requirements of
the state standards for teaching English in these countries, the author analyzes the effectiveness of
using multimedia applications for teaching foreign languages in primary school. The comparison of
curricula and state standards of these 4 countries revealed the similar requirements for teaching
English at the initial stage, such as the use of new technologies and non-traditional methods in the
teaching process. The analysis is carried out on the basis of a questionnaire survey of English language
teachers, the young learners and their parents in order to identify the most effective activities that
motivate and increase the interest of primary school children in learning English. The survey results
show that not only teachers and the young learners, but also their parents are interested in using the
multimedia applications in language learning, as their children enjoy learning the language through
games, as well as songs, videos, animations and interactive activities.


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How to Cite

Mukaddaskhon Ogay. (2020). The Education Innovations In The Development Of The Young Learners’ English-Speaking Skills In Uzbekistan. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(08), 69–78.