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Social Psychological Characteristics Of Adolescents Who Have Committed Suicide Attempts

Tukhtakhon Gaynazarovna Suleymanova , PhD In Psychology, Associate-Professor At The Department “General Psychology” Of Andizhan State University, Andizhan Region, Republic Of Uzbekistan


The article analyzes the approaches aimed at studying the determinants of social and individual psychological factors that lead to suicidal attempts during adolescence. It also classifies the traumatic effects of social psychological factors that lead to suicidal ideation during adolescence. It should be noted that the role of interpersonal and family relationships in the manifestation of suicidal behavior in adolescents is high. Information about a person’s unconscious tendencies can be obtained by studying the characteristics of suicides left before death. According to the researchers, the common feature for them is that the text occupies the entire width of the page, the side lines are small or absent, the lines are not separated from each other.



Adolescence, adaptation, crisis


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Tukhtakhon Gaynazarovna Suleymanova. (2021). Social Psychological Characteristics Of Adolescents Who Have Committed Suicide Attempts. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(07), 54–58. Retrieved from