The Importance Of Historical And Artistic Works In Forming The Qualities Of Courage In Future Military Men
Murodillaeva Munavvarxon Usmanovna , Senior Teacher Of The Academy Of Armed Forces Of The Republic Uzbekistan, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
In the historical development of personality, the creation of written sources, including historical and historical-artistic works, had a direct impact on the development of social relations. The educational influence of ideas put forward in such works has created an opportunity for centuries to use them in the formation of moral and moral qualities in a person. The reflection of individual-specific will qualities in the artistic image of historical heroes encouraged the younger generation to become courageous. The theme of military courage in historical and artistic works, which occupy a place in Uzbek and world literature, forms the basis of the plot. These works serve to develop the qualities of military courage of young people, especially, military men in modern conditions. This is what is mentioned in the article.
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