Some Views On The History Of Daily Life Of Women In The Villages Of The Ferghana Valley (1946-1991)
Nargizakhon Odilovna Alimova , Doctor Of Philosophy In History, Ferghana State University, Ferghana Region, Republic Of UzbekistanAbstract
In this article has been analyzed of some views on the history of daily life of women in the villages of the Ferghana valley in 1946-1991 by the helping historical sources, archive materials and literatures as well. It shown that over the years of Soviet rule, the living conditions of women in Uzbekistan, especially in the villages of the Ferghana Valley, depended on family income (monthly wages). Involvement of women in social labor was considered an important issue not only in terms of production but also in terms of politics.
Rural area,, village, women, Ferghana valley
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