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Education As A Factor Of Development

Isaeva Mukhabbat Rakhmonalievna , Candidate Of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor Of Pedagogy And Psychology, Department Of Humanities, Academy Of The Armed Forces Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


This article addresses the impact of education on social development. Because, as in all areas, today's globalization process has a different impact on education. It was noted that the application of the achievements in the field of social sciences and humanities in pedagogical activities in the effective solution of tasks such as the prevention of these influences, the training of competitive and promising personnel is becoming more urgent. The article also emphasizes the importance of fulfilling a number of tasks facing the educational institute. In particular, mastering the acquisition and use of knowledge, mastering the use of information technology as a tool, mastering the introduction of social and professional communication, becoming functionally literate, mastering the choice of goals and ways to achieve them.


Education,, , upbringing,


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Isaeva Mukhabbat Rakhmonalievna. (2020). Education As A Factor Of Development. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 591–595.