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Use Of Historical Materials In Teaching Mathematics In Continuous Education

Gulhayo Bakhodirovna Kuzmanova , Teacher, Department Of Primary Education And Sports Education, Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
Nurseit Alijan Ogli Beketov , Teacher, Department Of Primary Education And Sports Education, Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan


This article is aimed at teaching students historical material in order to give students practical and theoretical knowledge in mathematics lessons in the modern educational process. If we look at the centuries-old history, then it is the duty and duty of every teacher to pass on the national heritage of our ancestors to the younger generation. The works of Al-Khwarizmi, Ibn Sina, Beruni, and Abu Nasr Farobi on mathematics deserve special attention. The works of our great scientists include, in particular, methods for solving equations of that time, the concept of residuals, simple methods of addition, subtraction, multiplication of multi digit numbers, convenient methods for calculating the square of numbers through ancient problems. It is also aimed at further improving the quality of lifelong education, at teaching students to think independently in mathematics lessons, at further strengthening their socio-economic, scientific and technical knowledge in mathematics. In addition, mathematical education in secondary schools will use historical material in the formation of students' scientific and theoretical thinking in the process. If you pay more attention to it, opportunities will expand for educating the student as a person with rich knowledge, inner world, and spiritually mature.


Continuous education, equation


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Gulhayo Bakhodirovna Kuzmanova, & Nurseit Alijan Ogli Beketov. (2020). Use Of Historical Materials In Teaching Mathematics In Continuous Education. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 531–537.