The Theory Of “Ilmi Ta’lif” (Composition) In The Work Of Kitabu-L-Musiqa Al-Kabir By Abū Nasr Al Fārābī
Umida Namaz qizi Sanokulova , Researcher, Leading Specialist, Institute Of Oriental Studies Named After Abu Rayhon Beruni Of The Academy Of Sciences Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
This article deals with the theory of “Ilmi ta’lif” (composition), which is one of the main directions of musicology in the book “Kitabu-l-musiqa al-kabir” by Abū Naṣr al Fārābī. The article provides information on the essence, components, basic concepts and elements of this theory.
“Ilmi ta’lif” (composition) theory, “Ilmi iyqo”(Rhythmic) theory
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