Qatar Novelistic And Features Of Its Accelerated Development
Shahlo Irgashbaevna Akhmedova , Candidate Of Philology, Head Of Organization Department Research Activities Gifted Students, Tashkent State Institute Of Oriental Studies, Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
The article notes that the development of modern prose in Qatar fits well with the concept of "accelerated development of literature." Thanks to technological progress during the rapid economic growth of the Gulf countries – Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates and Oman, the Arabic-speaking countries of Khaleej (Gulf) quickly became acquainted with world culture and the world literary process, primarily with the literary experience of culturally developed Arab countries such as Egypt, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq. The author of the article, using the example of the short story genre, traces the stages of its development from descriptive short stories with weak conflicts and a naive plot with an edifying and didactic tendency to mature short stories that fit into the concept of a modern short story. In the literary arena of the 70s of the XX century such masters of the word as Ibrahim Sucr al-Marikhi, Kulsum Jaber, Fatima al-Turki and others appeared who made a great contribution to improving the short story genre in Qatar and first addressed the important problems of contemporary reality. One of such important problems, according to the author, is the problem of the emancipation of a Qatari woman - her right to have her own voice, get an education, and choose a profession.
World literary process, , contemporary prose
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