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Linguopoetic Analysis Of The Arabic Lexical Unit "Malak" In The Epic "Hayrat Ul-Abrar" By Alisher Navai

Madiyor Fatilloev , Tashkent State University Of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan
Shomusarov. Sh , D.Sc, Prof, Research Mentor, Tashkent State University, Uzbekistan


This article provides a brief overview of linguopoietics and analyzes the word “malak” found in the poem “Hayrat ul-abrar” by Alisher Navai. It has been found that, this word appears eighteen times in the text without any suffixes, and the literal meaning and grammatical role of fifteen cases in the text are determined.


Alisher Navai, Hayrat ul-abrar


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Madiyor Fatilloev, & Shomusarov. Sh. (2020). Linguopoetic Analysis Of The Arabic Lexical Unit "Malak" In The Epic "Hayrat Ul-Abrar" By Alisher Navai. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 493–498.