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Theoretical-Practical And Epistemological Review Of Political Linguistics

Mokhira Eshanova Yuldashbaevna , Senior Teacher, Specialized Branch Of Tashkent State University Of Law, Uzbekistan


Political text and discourse is a combination of perceiving the life in terms of conceptual-discourse methods, standards of scientific researches and activities. The primary form of analyzing a text identifies hidden factors of its political and ideological objectives as they reflect socio-political changes turning to setting the target for investigating, evaluating and selecting. This can help clearly define epistemic-linguistic problems and the frame of the tasks in developing national idea.

Currently, the prosperity of Uzbekistan has its reflection on the development of the Uzbek language and its application in people’s lives. Language is the basis of political life, hence, political thinking remains unchanged unless national language develops. In this view, it’s essential to investigate argumentative issues of the essence of political linguistics, the interrelation, the main idea that determines the notion of political discourse in terms of political-philosophical aspects. For this reason, the article mainly focuses on political language and its peculiar features. 

Political language constitutes different spheres of a culture, interpretation of the lexis delivered during propaganda and political events within various strata of population, as well as timeliness to strengthen the link with population. 


Political linguistics,, political text and discourse


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Mokhira Eshanova Yuldashbaevna. (2020). Theoretical-Practical And Epistemological Review Of Political Linguistics. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 470–483.