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The Role Of Letters In “Baburnoma” And “Tarihi Rashidiy”

Elmira Hazratkulova , PhD student of National University of Uzbekistan


This article discusses the observations about the letters in the works “Baburnoma” and “Tarihi Rashidiy”. Important aspects of Babur's correspondence have been studied in the study of letters in the Turkic language and their peculiarities. Also, the letters of Bobur in “Baburnoma” and the letters of A.Navoi in “Muhokamat-ul lug'atayn” are compared. The letters contained in the work “History of Rashidiy” and their scope of influence on the content of the work is studied. It is known that both writers actively used Turkic and Persian genres when writing letters. The peculiarities of the letters of Babur and Haydar were examined by comparison and hermeneutic methods. At the end of the analysis, conclusions are given about the importance and function of the letter genre used in literary and historical works for today's literary criticism.



Literary-historical works,, , letter genre,


Ergash Ochilov (2013), Zahiruddin Muhammad Babur. Tashkent. Uzbekistan-p.45

Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur (2002), Baburnoma, “If I pass through Sindh in good health,I'd like to go black, if I can”. Tashkent: East- p.211

Hasankhoja Nisoriy. «Muzakkiri ahbob»……..

Navoi's letter to Badiuzzaman. Uzbek literature. Volume 2 State Publishing House of Fiction of the USSR. Tashkent-1959 p.601

From letters to Humayun and Comron. Zahiriddin Muhammad Bobur. Baburnoma. East. Tashkent. 2002. p.243

Mirza Haydar Duglat’s Tarih-I Rashidi. A History of the Khans of Moghulistan (Persian Text) by W.M. Thachston (xii, 407 pages, 1996)

Mirza Haydar Duglat’s Tarih-I Rashidi. A History of the Khans of Moghulistan (Persian Text) by W.M. Thachston. p.394

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Elmira Hazratkulova. (2020). The Role Of Letters In “Baburnoma” And “Tarihi Rashidiy”. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 452–464.