The Importance Of The Discussion Method In The Development Of Argumentative Competence In Students
1. Gavrilova A.N. Formirovaniye pismenno-rechevoy argumentativnoy kompetensii u studentov gumanitarnix spetsialnostey : Avtoref. dis. … kand. ped. nauk. SPb., 2011. 2. Povarnin S.I. Iskusstvo spora: O teorii i praktike spora. – M., 1993. (Vosproizvedeno , Doctor Of Philosophy (Phd), Termez State University Termez, UzbekistanAbstract
This article discusses the importance of using debate as a teaching method in mastering key technologies to improve students’ argumentative competence. At the same time, the ability to argue constructively is interpreted as the ability to perform various argumentative actions to substantiate or refute certain points of view. The article presents the characteristics of argumentative skills, as well as the conditions for the formation of logical and psychological components of debate, which is one of the specific manifestations of argumentation.
Debate,, student,
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