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Ancient Uzbek Tribes And Clans Inhabiting In Central Asia

1. Rashididdin, Collection of Chronicles, Moscow.; L., 1952. Volume 1, Book 1. Page 257.3 2. Yakubovsky A. Y. On the ethnogenesis of the Uzbek people. Tashkent, 1941. Zaheriddin Muhammad Babur. Baburname. Tashkent, 1960. page. 232-236. 3 2 0 3. Ivanov P , PhD on Philology, Associate Professor, Specialized Branch Of Tashkent State University of Law, Uzbekistan


Soon afterward humankind became conscious of his social importance, heinitiated to comprehend the language’s great benefits, the aspiration to make certain that through the tribes lived in the past, it is attainable to determine the historical roots of the language and to find out what is beyond the reach. Despite of the fear of ignorance, doubt and mistakes, diverse human communities began to study their similarities and differences, because of many reasons, including ethnic, tribal, pedigree, climatic, physiological, linguistic and cultural properties, ending with communicative, competently dialectical skills.

The antiquity of the Uzbek language is more outstanding when its appearance and development is considered in closely connection with the history of the formation and development of the native people. Without taking into account the historical laws of tribal and clan estates during the development of the Uzbek language, it is impossible to understand its distinct features, the totality of historically determined changes that have occurred not only in vocabulary, but also in the phonetic system, as well as partially in the grammatical structure of the Uzbek language. Therefore, the study of the Uzbek language at different phases of the historical development of the Uzbek people; the identification of its specific features in the grammatical and lexical structures; the establishment of the relationship between the written language and active spoken language, presented in the form of numerous subdialects and dialects; the definition of thedialect assist to a more correct comprehension of the history of the Uzbek language as a whole.


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Rashididdin, Collection of Chronicles, Moscow.; L., 1952. Volume 1, Book 1. Page 257.3

Yakubovsky A. Y. On the ethnogenesis of the Uzbek people. Tashkent, 1941. Zaheriddin Muhammad Babur. Baburname. Tashkent, 1960. page. 232-236. 3 2 0

Ivanov P.P. Essays on the history of Central Asia (XVI - mid-XIX century). M., 1958. P. 102, 103. 2 Materials on the zoning of Central Asia. Tashkent, 1926. Prince. 1.1.4 P. 200. Kubakov K. About some tribal groups of Uzbeks of Upper Kashkadarya (second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries) // Ethnographic study of life and culture of the Uzbeks. Tashkent, 1972. 4 Dzhuraev T. Uzbek dialects of Upper Kashkadarya. Tashkent, 1969.P. 74.5

Ivanov P.P. Essays on the history of Central Asia (XVI - mid-XIX century). M., 1958. Page. 102, 103. 2 Materials on the zoning of Central Asia. Tashkent, 1926. Book. 1.1.4 Page. 200. Kubakov K. About some tribal groups of Uzbeks of Upper Kashkadarya (second half of the 19th - beginning of the 20th centuries) // Ethnographic study of life and culture of the Uzbeks. Tashkent, 1972. 4 Dzhuraev T. Uzbek dialects of Upper Kashkadarya. Tashkent, 1969.Page. 74.5

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1. Rashididdin, Collection of Chronicles, Moscow.; L., 1952. Volume 1, Book 1. Page 257.3 2. Yakubovsky A. Y. On the ethnogenesis of the Uzbek people. Tashkent, 1941. Zaheriddin Muhammad Babur. Baburname. Tashkent, 1960. page. 232-236. 3 2 0 3. Ivanov P. (2020). Ancient Uzbek Tribes And Clans Inhabiting In Central Asia. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 384–394.