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The Relevance Of Magical Views Concerning Agriculture In Khorezm During The Reign Of Khiva Khanate

Kamolova Nargiza Pulatbayevna , Basic Doctoral Student Of Khorezm Mamun Academy, Republic Of Uzbekistan


The living style of the population in Khorezm, which is the northern region of the Republic of Uzbekistan, is closely associated with agriculture based on artificial irrigation. In this area, the peculiar history, improvement and style of agriculture have been formed. Meanwhile, a great number of customs and beliefs have been formed that reflect the life of agriculture, have been tested for centuries and adapted to natural phenomena. This article clarifies the varieties of beliefs and magical ideas associated with farming, through the sources and works of Russian tourists of the XIX century.


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Kamolova Nargiza Pulatbayevna. (2020). The Relevance Of Magical Views Concerning Agriculture In Khorezm During The Reign Of Khiva Khanate. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 329–333.