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On The Study Of The Meaning Of "Ability" Within Motion Manner Category In Uzbek Language

Mengliyeva M.B. , Independent Scientific Researcher, Andijan State University, Uzbekistan


The intermediate grammatical meaning of "ability" is smaller than the number of specific meanings in "process" and is limited to "ability" and "trial". While these meanings are expressed in the phonetic layer by the extension and contraction of the sound, in the morphological layer they are expressed by the use of auxiliary verbs. These particular grammatical meanings are not represented by tense forms in the morphological layer. The meanings of "process" are expressed in the syntactic layer by word combinations with the presence of the action verb, that is, together with the verb, such words as “hardly”, “with huge efforts” are combined with the word denoting the action. In the lexical layer, it can be expressed directly by verbs such as to act, to succeed. Although the intermediate meaning group “ability” is smaller in structure than the “process” group, its means are stylistically neutral and can be used in both formal and informal speech..


Motion manner,, meaning of ability,


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Mengliyeva M.B. (2020). On The Study Of The Meaning Of "Ability" Within Motion Manner Category In Uzbek Language. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 297–303.