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Genre Attribution Of The Novel "Death Of A Hero"

Chorieva Shakhnoza Shukhratovna , Phd Student Of Uzbekistan State World Languages University, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the genre of novel “Death of a Hero” which was written by Richard Aldington. The writer called his book as a “jazz novel”, and “threnody”. The novel "Death of a Hero" can also be called a tragedy novel, which has become a tragic, satirical, lyric book about war, society and human.


Genre, “jazz novel”,, , pathos


/Урнов М. Ричард Олдингтон. - М.: Высшая школа, 1968.

Richard Aldington. “The death of a Hero.” Novel. Penguin Books Ltd., 2013.

Урнов М. Ричард Олдингтон и его первый роман // Олдингтон Р. Смерть героя. - М.: Правда, 1961.

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Chorieva Shakhnoza Shukhratovna. (2020). Genre Attribution Of The Novel "Death Of A Hero". The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 285–289. -