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Microtoponymy Of Cities Of Bukhara Khanate And Their Classification (Based On The Analysis Of Travelogues Of Russian Tourists Of The XVIII-XIX Centuries)

Bekhzodjon Ilkhomjon Ugli Zokirov , Lecturer, History And Ethnology Of The People Of Central Asia" Tashkent State University Of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan


In this article, it is analyzed dissociatedly that toponyms which are mentioned in the travelogue of Russian tourists who visited the Bukhara Emirates. The main reason why it is studied specifically is that their frequent transformation can provide a wealth of scientific information about the socio-economic, political, and cultural life of the study area in a limited period. Additionally, the article gives information about socio-economic and cultural-spiritual features of cities which existed in the emirate of Bukhara in the 18-19th centuries.


Russian travelers,, , microtoponymy,


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Bekhzodjon Ilkhomjon Ugli Zokirov. (2020). Microtoponymy Of Cities Of Bukhara Khanate And Their Classification (Based On The Analysis Of Travelogues Of Russian Tourists Of The XVIII-XIX Centuries). The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 229–237.