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Combination Of European Music Culture With Uzbek National Art And Culture

Shuhrat Tolipovich Almatov , Lecturer, Faculty Of Folk Art, Department Of National Singing Art, Uzbekistan State Institute Of Arts And Culture, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


This article discusses the comprehensive impact of European music culture on the Uzbek national art and culture, as well as how to combine the heritage of the spiritual treasures of our people, which is widely developed in harmony with human development. It contains the necessary ideas and reflections on the vast sources of creativity and the role and influence of European music culture, which have been diligently studied by each generation and call for a worthy successor to our art and culture for the future. In the article you will get an idea of the trends in music creation of all European countries, which are classics, and their integration with our art and culture.


Music,, , classical,


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Shuhrat Tolipovich Almatov. (2020). Combination Of European Music Culture With Uzbek National Art And Culture. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 215–220.