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The Predisposition Of Deferential Tenderness Of Stag At Pirganj Upazila Of Bangladesh

LU Kokum , Department Of Pharmacology, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh
M Shahiduzzaman , Department Of Parasitological, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Bangladesh


The Predisposition of deferential Tenderness in Paragon of Rampur area was concentrated from January to December 2010. 100 and forty Stags of various ages in various seasons were researched for deferential ailments. The ailment was analyzed by clinical and physical assessments. The excrement were inspected by direct smear strategy following fixation by sedimentation and floatation procedures so as to recognize gastro intestinal parasites. Other end deferential ailments were analyzed based on explicit side effects. The Stags were likewise analyzed for ecto deferential pervasion. The ectoparasites were gathered by hand picking or by utilizing hair brush and analyzed under magnifying instrument for morphological examinations. The outcomes uncovered that the general Predisposition of endodeferential illnesses was 60.71% and ecto deferential Tenderness 15.71%. Grown-ups are more powerless for both ecto and endo deferential pervasion. By and large Predisposition of endodeferential ailments was discovered higher in blustery season and ecto deferential invasion in summer season. The investigation make consideration that the Stags in Pirgonj experiencing various deferential infections and proposes that treatment and control measures ought to be taken to keep the Stag populace out of deferential ailments.


End parasite, ectoparasite


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LU Kokum, & M Shahiduzzaman. (2020). The Predisposition Of Deferential Tenderness Of Stag At Pirganj Upazila Of Bangladesh. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 193–195.