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Psychological Description Of The Avaz Image In Uzbek Epics

Jonmirza Nematovich Mirzaev , Director, Information Resource Center Of The Tashkent State University Of Uzbek Language And Literature Named After Alisher Navoi, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Every action and every word in folk epics is aimed at revealing the hero’s psyche. Unlike written
literature, the epic strictly adheres to the good traditions of bakhshi. He portrays the hero in
accordance with the hopes and aspirations of the people. Therefore, the creator of the epic genre is
trying with all his might to comprehensively reveal the psyche, depicting the image of the main
character. This article examines in detail the psychological image of the protagonist in the epic text on
the example of the analysis of the image of Avaz


Epic,, , mythological thinking,


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narrator is the son of Fozil Yuldash.

Prepared by Buyuk Karimov. Tashkent:

Fan. 1942. - p.4.

Avazxon. Epic. The narrator is the son

of Rahmatullah Yusuf. Tashkent:

Writer, 1997.– P.20Balogardon. Epic. The narrator is the

son of Fozil Yuldash. Recorder Buyuk

Karimov. Prepared by Hodi Zarifov.

Tashkent: Fan. 1966. - p.12.

Gulixiromon. Epic. The narrator is the

son of the Islamic poet Nazar. Recorder

Siddiq Askarov. Tashkent: Fan. 1968. –


Malikai ayyor. Epic. The narrator is the

son of Fozil Yuldash. Tashkent:

literature and art, 1988. –p.7–8.

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Jonmirza Nematovich Mirzaev. (2020). Psychological Description Of The Avaz Image In Uzbek Epics. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 131–136.