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Obsolete Words In The Dialect Of Tamdy Karakalpaks

Saodat Saparbaevna Shamshaddinova , Independent Researcher, Karakalpak State University Named After Berdakh, Uzbekistan


The article deals with obsolete words in the dialect of Tamdy Karakalpaks. The author, together with the work of some researchers who conducted studies on Tamdy Karakalpaks, collected the lexical units used in the local dialect and turned into obsolete words and presented them in alphabetical order. On this basis, it is taken into account that the Tamdy’s dialect is widely used obsolete words related to military vocabulary and ethnonyms and proposed the question of the current introduction of such obsolete terms in dictionaries.


Tauelibay, Tamdy Karakalpaks


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Saodat Saparbaevna Shamshaddinova. (2020). Obsolete Words In The Dialect Of Tamdy Karakalpaks. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 101–104.