Geochemical Criteria Of Ore Content Of Metasomatites Of The Urtalik Deposit (North Nuratau)
D.I. Jumaniyozov , Junior Researcher, Institute Of Geology And Geophysics Named After Kh.M.Abdullaev, Tashkent, Uzbekistan A.M. Musayev , Senior Researcher, Institute Of Geology And Geophysics Named After Kh.M.Abdullaev, Tashkent, Uzbekistan S.Y. Nematullayev , Chief Geologist, State Unitary Enterprise "Samarkandgeology", Samarkand, UzbekistanAbstract
On the studied site of the Urtalik ore deposit, rare, rare-earth and polymetallic mineralization is shown. Rare elements zirconium and niobium can have restite character which gets a steady state at the recrystallization of ore-bearing minerals. At the same time a rare element zirconium and a rare-earth element ytterbium selectively concentrate in the zircon and apatite respectively.
North Nuratau, , rare-earth elements
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