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Issues Of Studying Expected Life In Uzbekistan (On The Example Of The Tashkent Region)

Khilola Batirovna Nikadambaeva , Candidate Of Pedagogical Sciences, Associate Professor,Head Of The Department Of “Research, Innovation And Training Of Scientific Stuffs”,University Of Journalism And Mass Communications Of Uzbekistan


This article reveals the history and practical significance of calculating the life expectancy of the world’s population in the World Health Organization (WHO) assessment criteria. Uzbekistan has adopted many laws aimed at socio-economic and demographic development of the country. The impact of these laws is reflected in the stable relationship between the dynamics of quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the population and the parameters of economic and social development. The research work is devoted to the introduction of the indicator of life expectancy (hereinafter LE) of the Republic of Uzbekistan, as an indicator for calculating health insurance.


Mortality,, , demographic process,


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Khilola Batirovna Nikadambaeva. (2020). Issues Of Studying Expected Life In Uzbekistan (On The Example Of The Tashkent Region). The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 53–58.