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The Current State Of Preservation Of The Epic Tradition Of Epic Poetry Of South Uzbekistan

Nasim Ochilov , Candidate Of Philological Sciences, Associate Professor, Karshi State University, Uzbekistan


The article discusses the specificity of the art of epic poetry, the current state of preservation, the role of bakhshi in the revival of epic traditions, changes in the methods and forms of oral performance of folk epics, factors of national creativity and individual performance in bakhshi repertoire and the article analyzes the breakdown of the epic and its transition to the professional stage, as well as the role of epic memory, knowledge and worldview in the preservation of modern living oral traditions, as well as the current state and fate of epic traditions in the South Uzbekistan oasis.


Epic poetry,, , epic performance


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Nasim Ochilov. (2020). The Current State Of Preservation Of The Epic Tradition Of Epic Poetry Of South Uzbekistan. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 35–40.