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Ethnic Composition Of The Population Of Uzbek Khanates

Abdullaev Ulugbek Saydanovich , Andijan Machine Building Institute Doctor of Historical Sciences of '' Humanities'' Department,, Uzbekistan


This article is devoted to the ethnic composition of the population of the Bukhara Khanate (Emirate), Khiva Khanate and Kokand Khanate, which are important in the history of Uzbek statehood, on the basis of factual materials. It analyzes the ethnic composition of the population of the Bukhara Khanate (Emirate), Khiva Khanate and Kokand Khanate, their location and participation in ethno-cultural processes in the country.


Ethnos,, ethnic composition


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Abdullaev Ulugbek Saydanovich. (2020). Ethnic Composition Of The Population Of Uzbek Khanates. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 28–34.