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Decentralization In Uzbekistan Is An Important Pillar Of The Development Of Local Self-Government

Akhunov Muhammadamin Abduvasitovich , Andijan Machine Building Institute Department of "Humanities" Candidate of Economic Sciences, Uzbekistan


This article is devoted to the process of decentralization of the formation of civil society in Uzbekistan and the results of the gradual transfer of state functions, powers and responsibilities, first from the center to local authorities, and then from local self-government bodies to citizens' self-government. As a unique system, the mahalla is analyzed as the basis for democratic reforms, citizens' approach to political and economic activity, and an approach to public affairs.


Decentralization,, ,Uzbek model


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Akhunov Muhammadamin Abduvasitovich. (2020). Decentralization In Uzbekistan Is An Important Pillar Of The Development Of Local Self-Government. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 2(09), 1–7.