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The Analysis Of Personage Speech Characteristics In Pragmatic Aspect

Yugay Nadejda Yurevna , Senior Teacher, The National University Of Uzbekistan Named After Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The pragmatic aspect of personage speech characteristic in dramatic fiction is analyzed in this article. The predetermining feature of the stage dialogue is its double correlation: “From the very beginning, it receives a double function, performs a double load”: dialogue on the stage reproduces dialogue in life and at the same time “inserts” it into the system of a holistic concept characteristic of the play by an outstanding author”.


Pragmatic Aspect, Speech Characteristic, Personage, Dramatic Dialogue


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Yugay Nadejda Yurevna. (2021). The Analysis Of Personage Speech Characteristics In Pragmatic Aspect. The American Journal of Social Science and Education Innovations, 3(12), 127–130.