Mythological Images And Motifs In The Works Of Sergey Yesenin
Kodirova Ozodakhon Shukhratjohn Kizi , Master’s Student Of Literary Studies Direction, Year 1, Russian Language Department, Ferghana State University, Ferghana City, Uzbekistan Davlyatova Gulchekhra Nasirovna , Associate Professor, Candidate Of Pedagogical Sciences, Department Of Russian Philology, Ferghana State University, Ferghana City, UzbekistanAbstract
The article discusses mythological images and motifs in the works of Sergey Esenin. The authors of the article consider that mythological motifs have played an important role in the genesis of literary subjects; mythological themes, images, characters are used and reinterpreted in literature almost throughout its history. Yesenin's mythological picture of the world became part of his poetic philosophy, reflecting the connection between man and the world, as well as the inseparable unity of all living and non-living things on earth.
Literature, Traditional Myths, Artistic Purposes
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